Monday, August 1, 2016

Rabun County - July 2016 - Part 1

Like I said before, I just can't stay away. Josh and I were much in need of a "second honeymoon" of sorts and decided that we would escape for a week to my favorite place. We soon found out that my family would be joining us after our week there for a solid 5 days of quality family time (more on that later). 

Josh and I really love the outdoors and decided that we would spend most of our days sleeping in, relaxing on the porch swing, taking long hikes, and cooking yummy dinners before cuddling up and binge watching anything that we could get from the Redbox. 

Lesson Learned - soda does nothing on hikes. bring water. bring lots of water.

 Lesson Learned - never leave without a map or you will be in the middle of the trail and not know how long you have left, and trust me, that is very discouraging
Lesson Learned (part 2) - never underestimate what "very strenuous" means when it is stated about a hike. We may look really happy in this picture, but we could barely walk for the next 2 days due to extremely sore legs (and no motivation to get "lost" in the woods for 3 hours again)

But on a real note, if you aren't in for this intense hike, 

Nights spent with friends are the best! Especially when those nights include escaping the country and hitting the nearest city for some really yummy pizza and a movie. If you've never been to Mellow Mushroom, try it out ASAP. You won't regret it. 

 One afternoon, Josh had some homework to do, so I set out on an antiquing adventure. Antiquing at its finest in Dillard, Georgia where the streets are lined with shops full of antiques. They live by the saying "one man's junk is another man's treasure." Growing up, my favorite books were Nancy Drew. I found these gems in one of the shops. You better believe I wanted to buy all of them. 

Hike #3: Tallulah Gorge State Park 
Who wants to climb 500 steps to see a gorgeous waterfall? Worth it. Totally worth it. But you might not think so on the way back up. 
Lesson Learned - never go here on the 4th of July or you will be stuck behind really slow people who may have never climbed a set of stairs in their life. 

Celebrating the 4th of July. 
Best place in Rabun County to watch the fireworks (if you don't have a boat) -- Rabun Gap Natahoochee School. It's a boarding school just North of town with some of the best fireworks around {even better if you're watching with friends}

Goats? On a Roof? 
Yes. Yes really. Goats on the Roof is full of all sorts of fun activities for the family. You can feed goats a multitude of different ways, get goat gear, and even eat at the local cafe. They have AWESOME Nitro Ice Cream and pretty good food also. Stop by and check it out if you are passing through town. 

The BEST apple fritters & pies. EVER. Just trust me. Pick up some apple butter, fresh cider, or even some homemade salsa. Then enjoy snacking on your pies, fritters, or homemade peach ice cream while taking a walk to the petting zoo and around the creek. 

We took on many more adventures this trip, but I will share those next time! 
Until then,

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